Has Locked My Blog! How Can I Get My Blog Unlocked!
Blogger.Com Has Locked My Blog!
How Do I Unblock My Blog?
When Blogger "Locks" your blog it means that their robots have classified your blog as a "spam" blog. What is a spam blog? According to Wikipedia, spam blogs (or "splogs") are usually a type of scraper site, where content is often either Inauthentic Text or merely stolen (see blog scraping) from other websites .....
Blogger's robots have crawled your blog and determined that is was a spam blog. However there is no need to panic (unless your blog really is a spam blog) and all you have to do is contact Blogger via their email form.
This has happened to me also. You go into your blog's account and you find out that your blog has been locked/blocked. It says that you can save your posts in draft form but you won't be able to publish your posts.
Even though you may panic at first there should be a form on your blog sign-in site where you can fill out the form and email it in.
You see somewhere down the line a "robot" has crawled your site and determined that it was a spam site. Now your site probably isn't a spam site it is just that the robot sees it that way.
Once you fill out the form and send it in then a "human" set of eyes will review your blog to make sure that it isn't one of those spam blogs. Once your site has been reviewed and cleared you will be able to post to your blog again.
In my particular case it took blogger 24 hours to get back to me once I sent in the form.
Labels: Help-My Blog Has Been Locked By, Questions-Paid, WTF