Tuesday, June 3, 2008

So Far So Good!

It really is dis-heartening to see that a lot of people are still getting bx error code messages when they are trying to work on their blog(s). The latest crop of problems seem to be with people having trouble uploading videos or photos to their blog(s). I have even see some people post that they are thinking about moving their blog to Wordpress. A lot of people are posting their frustration at not being able to get any "help" from Blogger.com but I can tell you that I have seen some of the Blogger.com employees posting and replying to other peoples' questions about the problems that they are having with their blogs.

I hate to say it but so far I haven't had any problems publishing photos to my blogs. As a matter of fact I did a test posting just to upload a photo to my blog just to see if it worked and it did. Everytime I get one of those bx error code messages I just bypass right out of it and go back to working on my blog. I really try not to add videos to my blogs because I know that not everyone has a high-speed internet connection but I may try it at a later date just to see if it will work.

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